Traveling alone? You may be surprised to find out that dude ranch vacations are the perfect getaway for solo travelers! Here's why...
Dude ranch vacations are becoming increasingly attractive to solo travelers of all kinds, from those who want to meet new people and make new friends, to those who wish to retreat from the world and enjoy some serious 'me-time'. Haven't considered ranch vacations for single travelers yet? Read on and find out why this is one solo adventure you don't want to miss out on.

Photo: The Lodge at Blue Sky, Utah
You'll enjoy the freedom to be you
Guess what? If you take the plunge and book a singles vacation, you only have one person to please – that's you! No more traipsing around museums when it's not your thing, or spending hours persuading your other half that a day in the saddle taking in beautiful scenery is exactly what you both need. Compromise is a thing of the past – well, at least for a week or two!
It's time to focus on your needs and dude ranch vacations are some of the best vacations for single travelers – you can choose what YOU want to do without having to worry about anyone else! For example, head to Bitterroot Ranch in Wyoming and relax in the company of nature, explore rustic and varied landscapes, challenge yourself by trying new activities, or indulge in a spa day – the beautiful C Lazy U Ranch in Colorado has the luxurious 'Lazy U Spa' you'll be pampered in. Go on, you deserve it!

Photo: The Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort, California USA
Want to ramp up the adrenaline? Ranch vacations truly embrace the outdoor adventure! Go mountain biking at Gros Ventre River Ranch, conquer your fear of heights on a tree-top obstacle course at Red Horse Mountain Ranch, or take a once-in-a-lifetime pack trip to Patagonia, Estancia Ranquilco has some truly life-changing trips available to the adventurous solo traveler. Or why not try all the exciting heli-adventures at Auberge Resorts Collection's new resort, The Lodge at Blue Sky? Opened in May 2019, they offer unique, customized outdoor adventures, including heli-skiing, heli-snowboarding, heli-hiking, heli-fly-fishing and more!
It's a chance to reconnect with 'You'
Practising yoga or meditating, is a great way to re-connect with yourself, and offers self-reflection and heightened self-awareness. Many dude ranches, like Rancho Las Cascadas, have dedicated yoga, meditation and wellness courses and classes available, offering solo travelers the perfect opportunity to open up to the possibility of connecting to what we already have; to who we already are.
You'll benefit from trusted advisors
One of the scariest aspects of travelling alone can be knowing who to trust. Ranch vacations are different from your average hotel or hostel – expect a warm, genuine welcome from families, like the Rankin Ranch family, who are dedicated to making you feel at home and safe. There will be no wandering around aimlessly accidentally missing the good stuff either, as you are staying with the best tour guides in the area; for example, Red Reflet Ranch offers off-ranch trips to interesting local attractions should you want a day out. Those who are seeking smaller ranches and a safe feeling will also feel comfortable at Deep Canyon Guest Ranch as they welcome quite a few solo travelers, mostly women who have a natural affection for horses and nature. They come to ride horses in beautiful country and to get to know the family.
Ranch owners and their wranglers know the best tracks to ride for the views, what time to visit the local rodeo to get a front row seat and where you can source the most authentic local meals at reasonable prices. Plus, when you decide to engage in any of the ranch-specific activities, from fishing to cattle drives, you know you are in the best possible hands.
You'll easily meet new friends

Photo: Three Bars Cattle and Guest Ranch, British Colombia, Canada
Travelling alone doesn't mean you have to be alone (unless, of course, you want to be). It's actually a great opportunity to meet new friends with similar interests. If you want to be ahead of the game, why not contact the ranch you are interested in and ask who else is currently booked on your preferred week? You might find that there are other solo travellers visiting at the same time. Solo travelers feel very comfortable at boutique ranch, Geronimo Trail Guest Ranch and find much in common with other guests; starting with a love of horses and nature. They average around eight guests at a time, which is a perfect size for bonding.
Traditionally community-minded, most ranches have cozy, comfortable areas – both indoors and outdoors – where guests can chat, read, have a drink and socialize. For those particularly interested in the total ranch experience and spending time with fellow guests, look for ranches with communal eating areas – Rainbow Trout Ranch pride themselves on serving meals 'family style'. From outdoor rustic breakfasts to luxury evening fine dining, you'll find a ranch that caters for you.
Great introduction to singles travel
Always wanted to travel alone, but not been brave enough to try it? Head to a ranch like Vista Verde Ranch, where they accommodate ranch vacations for singles by offering adult-only times, dedicated to encouraging solo traveler trips. These adult-only-type ranch vacation getaways, also offered by Rowse's 1+1 Ranch, are the best vacations for single travelers as you'll meet with other solo adventurers and enjoy being with like-minded people. The small size of the Circle Z Ranch, Arizona lends itself to those who find that traveling solo is a reality or a preferred way of travel. The inclusiveness of their horseback riding and nature program, plus the family atmosphere at social hour and dinner creates a welcoming atmosphere. Also, their rates are per person and do not penalize for single occupancy.

Photo: Badger Creek Ranch, Colorado USA
A dude ranch vacation is the perfect introduction to singles holidays, they're safe, welcoming and you are living with on-site experts. However, should you be seeking alone-time, they're the perfect destination in which you can immerse yourself in activities or nature. Will a ranch vacation be the beginning of your solo travelling adventures?
More reading for solo travelers:
Don’t forget to explore our ranch vacation Specials for the latest dude ranch discounts, offers and events, and connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Written by Soraya Abdel-Hadi and Kate Hammaren