Are you an equestrian lover? Maybe you race horses professionally, or maybe you’ve been around horses your entire life, or maybe you’ve just wanted to learn how to ride a horse ever since you little, but never got the opportunity. Well whatever your horse-loving situation is, you deserve to get the best information on equestrian life! Here are some of the best, most entertaining and informative must-listen to equestrian podcasts.

This amazing podcast was established by John and Ranae Harrar who are obsessed with all things horses and had a desire to learn more about them and share what they learn with others. On their podcast, they share horsemanship skills, horse care, and other things pertaining to horses. Check out a few of their most recent episodes:
This podcast brings a very interesting contribution to the equestrian podcast world. Where most of the podcasts give tips and information about horses and good horsemanship, this podcast is instead a history lesson of sorts. In each episode, the host, Pessoa Saddles, dives deep into the history of a person that has been a huge influence in the equestrian community. Every episode details the life of a different equestrian legend, and every episode leaves you wanting more. Here are a few to get you started:
This podcast is exactly what it seems like, a podcast filled with horse tips! Not just any horse tips, though. Horse Tip Daily is packed with tons of information that you never even knew that you needed. From horse health and maintenance to horse riding technique, this podcast has truly got it all. Check out some of their recent episodes here:
In the dressage radio show, the title pretty much covers up what goes on in this podcast: dressage! They talk about everything pertaining to the world of dressage from the latest news to practice tips. With over 300 episodes, this podcast keeps you entertained and properly informed about dressage. They even have fun trivia episodes! Here are a few of my favorite episodes of this amazing podcast:
If you’re feeling like you don’t want to just learn about horses but you actually want to be around horses you should think about taking a ranch vacation! Top 50 Ranches has the best ranch vacations for you and your family. These ranch vacations can be suited to fit your specific needs, whether you just want to ride horses with your family or if you want the full ranch experience!